Allow me to introduce you to Joanna Kovacs Pohopin “Jersey Girl”.  She joined Dream Vacations – as a travel advisor. The Jersey Girl has traveled to many places like; Europe, Mexico, New York, Canada and a number of the Caribbean Islands.

Joanna has been an advocate in Southwest Florida area for many years and understands the need for adventure.  She has been on national leadership teams, where her passion for people and travel has shown through.  These positions gave her an opportunity to encourage and work hand in hand with so many clients, and staff.  The Jersey Girl has over two decades worth of leadership and travel experience.  She has guided many people on their journey to find their true passion and helped them refresh their souls.

Joanna Pohopin wants to help you rediscover play and experience everything creation has to offer.  She wants to help you find your dream adventure by land or sea. Joanna would love to WOW you and your guests with your upcoming destination honeymoon, wedding or group event.


To contact the Jersey Girl directly, please call +1 (239) 908-7492. 


Words of live by: Eat Pray and Love.

A portion of the proceeds will go to disaster relief.